Definition of the contribution of an Osteopontin-producing CD11c+ microglial subset to Alzheimer’s disease | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Definition of the contribution of an Osteopontin-producing CD11c+ microglial subset to Alzheimer’s disease | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
OPN production divides CD11c+ microglia into pathogenic (CD11c+OPN+) and protective (CD11c+OPN−) subsets promotes a microglial proinflammatory phenotype and may inhibit Aβ uptake Genetic ablation of OPN or administration of anti-OPN mAb reduces proinflammatory microglia and Aβ plaque pathology, and
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  • OPN production divides CD11c+ microglia into pathogenic (CD11c+OPN+) and protective (CD11c+OPN−) subsets
  • promotes a microglial proinflammatory phenotype and may inhibit Aβ uptake
  • Genetic ablation of OPN or administration of anti-OPN mAb reduces proinflammatory microglia and Aβ plaque pathology, and improves cognition

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