Widespread, bipartisan aversion exists to neighbors owning AR-15s or storing guns insecurely | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Widespread, bipartisan aversion exists to neighbors owning AR-15s or storing guns insecurely | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
we found that there is much more consensus among Americans when the focus is on their local communities did not want their neighbors to have ready access to guns The findings are clear: Respondents did not want to live near gun owners If the potential neighbor owned a pistol, the probability that re
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  • we found that there is much more consensus among Americans when the focus is on their local communities
  • did not want their neighbors to have ready access to guns
  • The findings are clear: Respondents did not want to live near gun owners
  • If the potential neighbor owned a pistol, the probability that respondents would choose to live near them dropped by nine percentage points
  • The effect of AR-15 ownership was even larger: if the potential neighbor owned an AR-15, the probability that respondents would choose to live near them plummeted by over 20 percentage points

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