Lipid rafts, Rab GTPases, and a late endosomal checkpoint for plasma membrane recycling | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Lipid rafts, Rab GTPases, and a late endosomal checkpoint for plasma membrane recycling | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
aft probes were recycled back to the PM (Fig. 1). Based on experimental overexpression of guanosine diphosphate (GDP)- or guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-locked Rab GTPases, this recycling process is indeed dependent on Rab7, but surprisingly not Rab11 or Rab4, the GTPases previously implicated in recy
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  • aft probes were recycled back to the PM (Fig. 1). Based on experimental overexpression of guanosine diphosphate (GDP)- or guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-locked Rab GTPases, this recycling process is indeed dependent on Rab7, but surprisingly not Rab11 or Rab4, the GTPases previously implicated in recycling back to the PM.
  • in ten of these yielded significantly reduced raft-TMD recycling to the PM. One prominent hit was Arf6
  • However, early tests of the simplified “sorting to the ordered PM” idea with GPI-linked GFP and other raft probes already indicated that intracellular trafficking itineraries do not simply follow a gradient of ordered membrane and that additional sorting signals must be required (13).

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