General features of transmembrane beta barrels from a large database | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
General features of transmembrane beta barrels from a large database | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
TMBBs can be divided into 11 types The proteins found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, generally have a highly similar β-barrel fold (1), which has evolved mostly by replication of an ancestral hairpin motif there are significant differences in amino acid abundance at different depth
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  • TMBBs can be divided into 11 types
  • The proteins found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, generally have a highly similar β-barrel fold (1), which has evolved mostly by replication of an ancestral hairpin motif
  • there are significant differences in amino acid abundance at different depths across the membrane, with more hydrophobic residues in the central region of the membrane
  • The TMBB-DB (31) contains 1,881,712 sequences collected from 600 different bacterial proteomes with sequences ranked by their likelihood of encoding a TMBB
  • OMPdb (32) contains 1,198,558 (as of Jan 2021) protein sequences predicted to be TMBBs by the PRED-TMBB2 algorithm.

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