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Pangenome analyses reveal impact of transposable elements and ploidy on the evolution of potato species | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
most important noncereal food crop globally 100 wild relatives third most important crop and the most important noncereal crop for food security in the world 10,000 y ago in the Andean highlands (now southern Peru), where different potato landraces are still grown at high elevation (3,000 to 4,000 m
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most important noncereal food crop globally
100 wild relatives
third most important crop and the most important noncereal crop for food security in the world
10,000 y ago in the Andean highlands (now southern Peru), where different potato landraces are still grown at high elevation (3,000 to 4,000 m)
resulted from human and natural selection for larger tubers, lower glycoalkaloid content, and the selection of attractive tuber shapes and colors
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