Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Gender stereotypes can explain the gender-equality paradox | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
According to evolutionary psychologists, social differentiation can also be a way to achieve more cooperation between individuals by creating smaller subgroups with clear boundaries is the fact that gender segregation across occupations is more pronounced in more egalitarian and more developed count
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  • According to evolutionary psychologists, social differentiation can also be a way to achieve more cooperation between individuals by creating smaller subgroups with clear boundaries
  • is the fact that gender segregation across occupations is more pronounced in more egalitarian and more developed countries.
  • gender segregation across fields of study or occupations will not decrease by itself as societies become more developed and egalitarian
  • This is not because they are innate, but because they are the product of new forms of social differentiation between women and men that have replaced the male primacy ideology. Supporting Information
  • more developed or (gender) equal countries exhibit stronger gender norms regarding math

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