Simultaneous imaging and functional studies reveal a tight correlation between calcium and actin networks | PNAS thumbnail
Simultaneous imaging and functional studies reveal a tight correlation between calcium and actin networks | PNAS
Wavelet analysis coupled with a signal-sifting algorithm enabled the quantitative comparison of the calcium behavior in cells where growth was inhibited mechanically, pharmacologically, or genetically. We found that cells with suppressed growth have calcium oscillatory profiles with longer frequenci
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  • Wavelet analysis coupled with a signal-sifting algorithm enabled the quantitative comparison of the calcium behavior in cells where growth was inhibited mechanically, pharmacologically, or genetically. We found that cells with suppressed growth have calcium oscillatory profiles with longer frequencies, suggesting that there is a feedback between th...
  • We found that high cytosolic calcium promotes disassembly of a tip-focused actin spot, while low calcium promotes assembly.
  • Interestingly, in both pollen tubes and root hairs the maximum calcium concentration peaks shortly after a maximum in the growth rate, suggesting that calcium dynamics are dependent on growth dynamics
  • Many tip-growing cells display an oscillating tipward calcium gradient in which periodic changes in the cytoplasmic calcium concentration correlate with periodic variations in growth rate

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