Bacteria capture iron from heme by keeping tetrapyrrol skeleton intact | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences thumbnail
Bacteria capture iron from heme by keeping tetrapyrrol skeleton intact | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
iron from heme without tetrapyrrol degradation, a novel enzymatic reaction corresponding to the deferrochelation of the heme. YfeX and EfeB are the sole proteins that can provide heme iron to E. coli K12. YfeX and EfeB are capable of extracting iron from heme while preserving the protoporphyrin ring
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  • iron from heme without tetrapyrrol degradation, a novel enzymatic reaction corresponding to the deferrochelation of the heme.
  • YfeX and EfeB are the sole proteins that can provide heme iron to E. coli K12.
  • YfeX and EfeB are capable of extracting iron from heme while preserving the protoporphyrin ring intact,
  • EfeB is translocated to the periplasm by the TAT system
  • YfeX and EfeB proteins are widespread and highly conserved in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

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