Union Agriculture Minister chairs the National Conference on Agriculture for Zaid Campaign-2023 thumbnail
Union Agriculture Minister chairs the National Conference on Agriculture for Zaid Campaign-2023
22 crore Soil Health Cards have been distributed in two phases, the main objective of which is to preserve the fertility of our earth everyone should consider adopting other available alternatives to chemical fertilizers, – nano urea, biofertilizer. About 2.5 lakh crore rupees is being incurred annu
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  • 22 crore Soil Health Cards have been distributed in two phases, the main objective of which is to preserve the fertility of our earth
  • everyone should consider adopting other available alternatives to chemical fertilizers, – nano urea, biofertilizer.
  • About 2.5 lakh crore rupees is being incurred annually on fertilizer subsidy.
  • Advance estimate of record production of 323 million tonnes of agricultural produce
  • The number of Kisan Samridhi Kendras has now increased to 12,000.

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