Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah attended the valedictory function of the two-day Cooperative Maha Conclave organized by Dainik Sakal Group as the Chief Guest at Pune, Maharashtra today thumbnail
Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah attended the valedictory function of the two-day Cooperative Maha Conclave organized by Dainik Sakal Group as the Chief Guest at Pune, Maharashtra today
31 percent of India's total sugar production is done by cooperative sugar mills 16 percent of milk is procured from cooperative institutions 13 percent of wheat, 20 percent of paddy is procured by coopertives 25 percent of total fertilizers are produced by cooperative societies Out of about 8.5 lakh
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  • 31 percent of India's total sugar production is done by cooperative sugar mills
  • 16 percent of milk is procured from cooperative institutions
  • 13 percent of wheat, 20 percent of paddy is procured by coopertives
  • 25 percent of total fertilizers are produced by cooperative societies
  • Out of about 8.5 lakh cooperative societies in the country, 2 lakh are in Maharashtra.

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