Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Section 62(5) RP Act Which Denies Prisoners Right To Vote thumbnail
Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To Section 62(5) RP Act Which Denies Prisoners Right To Vote
no person shall vote at any election if he is confined in a prison or is in the lawful custody of the police the provision was reasonable, in public interest, and there was no arbitrariness or discrimination involved depriving under-trials, whose innocence or guilt has not been conclusively determin
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  • no person shall vote at any election if he is confined in a prison or is in the lawful custody of the police
  • the provision was reasonable, in public interest, and there was no arbitrariness or discrimination involved
  • depriving under-trials, whose innocence or guilt has not been conclusively determined, of their right to vote
  • those detained in civil prison were deprived of their right to vote
  • the right to vote was a constitutional right under Article 326 of the Constitution

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