Testimony Of Hostile Witness Can Be Considered To Convict Accused, If Corroborated By Other Evidence : Supreme Court Constitution Bench thumbnail
Testimony Of Hostile Witness Can Be Considered To Convict Accused, If Corroborated By Other Evidence : Supreme Court Constitution Bench
a "hostile witness" testimony if corroborated by other reliable evidence there is no legal bar to raise a conviction upon a "hostile witness" testimony if corroborated by other reliable evidence The fact that a witness has been declared "hostile" does not result in an automatic rejection of his evid
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  • a "hostile witness" testimony if corroborated by other reliable evidence
  • there is no legal bar to raise a conviction upon a "hostile witness" testimony if corroborated by other reliable evidence
  • The fact that a witness has been declared "hostile" does not result in an automatic rejection of his evidence
  • In the absence of evidence of the complainant (direct/primary, oral/documentary evidence) it is permissible to draw an inferential deduction of culpability/guilt of a public servant under Section 7 and Section 13(1)(d) read with Section 13(2) of the Act
  • In the event the complainant turns 'hostile', or has died or is unavailable to let in his evidence during trial, demand of illegal gratification can be proved by letting in the evidence of any other witness who can again let in evidence

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