Applicability Of CrPC After July 1, 2024: A Conflict In The Twilight Zone thumbnail
Applicability Of CrPC After July 1, 2024: A Conflict In The Twilight Zone
So far as the first issue is concerned, in Krishna Joshi v State of Rajasthan & Ors. [2024 LiveLaw (Raj) 155], the Rajasthan High Court on July 9 held that the moment an FIR is registered, criminal law is deemed to be set in motion and hence, the law as applicable on the date of registration of FIR
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  • So far as the first issue is concerned, in Krishna Joshi v State of Rajasthan & Ors. [2024 LiveLaw (Raj) 155], the Rajasthan High Court on July 9 held that the moment an FIR is registered, criminal law is deemed to be set in motion and hence, the law as applicable on the date of registration of FIR will be the governing law. So to say, trial for FI...

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