Supreme Court Expresses Anguish At Long Pendency Of Cases; Issues Directions To HCs For Speedy Disposals thumbnail
Supreme Court Expresses Anguish At Long Pendency Of Cases; Issues Directions To HCs For Speedy Disposals
not being fruitful, the trial would commence on the next day so fixed and would proceed on day-to-day basis. ensure proper execution of the summons and in a time bound manner written statement is filed within the prescribed limit namely as prescribed after the pleadings are complete, the parties sho
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  • not being fruitful, the trial would commence on the next day so fixed and would proceed on day-to-day basis.
  • ensure proper execution of the summons and in a time bound manner
  • written statement is filed within the prescribed limit namely as prescribed
  • after the pleadings are complete, the parties should be called upon to appear on the day fixed as indicated in Order X and record the admissions and denials and the court shall direct the parties to the suit to opt for either mode of the settlement outside the court
  • fix the date of appearance before such forum

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