Preventive Detention Law Is An Exceptional Measure For Emergent Situations, Must Not Be Used As Tool For Enforcing 'Law And Order' : Supreme Court thumbnail
Preventive Detention Law Is An Exceptional Measure For Emergent Situations, Must Not Be Used As Tool For Enforcing 'Law And Order' : Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has stated that that preventive detention laws are an 'exceptional measure reserved for tackling emergent situations' and must not be used as a tool for enforcing 'law and order'. The Apex Court clarified that for an act to qualify as a disturbance to ‘public order’, for the provis
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  • The Supreme Court has stated that that preventive detention laws are an 'exceptional measure reserved for tackling emergent situations' and must not be used as a tool for enforcing 'law and order'.
  • The Apex Court clarified that for an act to qualify as a disturbance to ‘public order’, for the provisions of the Preventive Detention Act to apply, the activity must impact the general public and evoke feelings of fear, panic, or insecurity. “Stray acts affecting private individuals and the repetition of similar such acts would not tend to affect ...

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