An instrument, which is exigible to stamp duty, may contain an Arbitration Clause and which is not stamped, cannot be said to be a contract,
An Arbitration Agreement, within the meaning of Section 7 of the Act, which attracts stamp duty and which is not stamped or insufficiently stamped, cannot be acted upon, in view of Section 35 of the Stamp Act, unless following impounding and payment of the requisite duty, necessary certificate is provided under Section 42 of the Stamp Act
We see merit in the contention of the appellant. Apart from the Court acting in consonance with the law, when it adheres to Sections 33 and 35 of the Stamp Act, where it applies, in our view, under the watchful gaze of the Court, be it the High Court or the Supreme Court, the issue relating to stamp duty, in a case where there is no stamp duty paid...
In other words, on the aforesaid view, following the command under Section 11(6A), could not detract from, the Court also at the same time, following the equally binding mandate contained in the Stamp Act
it is ordinarily the duty of the Court to examine the matter with reference to the duty under Section 33(2). If the claim that it is insufficiently stamped, appears to the Court to be on the face of it, wholly without foundation, it may make the Reference on the basis of the existence of an Arbitration Agreement otherwise and then leave it open to ...
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