Interview: How Courts Use Stereotypes And Myths In Sentencing, Explains Academic & Author, Mrinal Satish thumbnail
Interview: How Courts Use Stereotypes And Myths In Sentencing, Explains Academic & Author, Mrinal Satish
Since the law now prohibited some of these rape myths and stereotypes being used in the guilt adjudication phase, courts started using them in the sentencing phase – a phase which hardly got any attention from academics, lawyers, and policy makers. I identify deterrence as the theory of punishment,
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  • Since the law now prohibited some of these rape myths and stereotypes being used in the guilt adjudication phase, courts started using them in the sentencing phase – a phase which hardly got any attention from academics, lawyers, and policy makers.
  • I identify deterrence as the theory of punishment, and identify permissible and impermissible mitigating factors accordingly

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