How To Crack The Advocate On Record Examination thumbnail
How To Crack The Advocate On Record Examination
For instance if one were to consider a topic of "Appeal against acquittal" in the subject of Practice and Procedure, historically one must know that initially (Old CrPC) there was no provision for appeal against an acquittal order at all. Thereafter a right to appeal was provided for the prosecution
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  • For instance if one were to consider a topic of "Appeal against acquittal" in the subject of Practice and Procedure, historically one must know that initially (Old CrPC) there was no provision for appeal against an acquittal order at all. Thereafter a right to appeal was provided for the prosecution followed (CrPC 1973) by a right in favor of a vic...
  • Powers and duties of Chamber Judge and Registrar
  • Your draft must be accompanied by the requisite Affidavit and the Certificate as required.

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