The Arrival of the Bee Box Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Arrival of the Bee Box Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts
This is a complex sentiment that both seems to suggest a sense of worthlessness and the desire for anonymity as a kind of comfo It was published in her bestselling collection Ariel, “The Arrival of the Bee Box” y, the poem is undoubtedly about power. Indeed, the poem presents different attitudes tow
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  • This is a complex sentiment that both seems to suggest a sense of worthlessness and the desire for anonymity as a kind of comfo
  • It was published in her bestselling collection Ariel,
  • “The Arrival of the Bee Box”
  • y, the poem is undoubtedly about power. Indeed, the poem presents different attitudes toward power: sometimes the speaker seems to be intoxicated by that power, while at other times it makes her feel anxious and fearful. Power and control, the poem suggests, are at once exciting and frightening.
  • Plath’s struggles with mental illness and eventual death by suicide, some critics read the box as a symbol for psychological stress and anguish—the kind of manic and depressive thoughts that can get the better of people

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