Follower Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Follower Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts
he speaker was bothersome as a boy. He would talk incessantly and was always losing his footing and falling onto the soil. But now that both men have aged, it is the speaker's father who is constantly and clumsily trailing him, and will not leave his shadow. finds beauty and value in traditional far
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  • he speaker was bothersome as a boy. He would talk incessantly and was always losing his footing and falling onto the soil. But now that both men have aged, it is the speaker's father who is constantly and clumsily trailing him, and will not leave his shadow.
  • finds beauty and value in traditional farming practices but struggles to take them up himself.
  • the speaker only trailed behind his father as he farmed, never taking up the practice himself.

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