If We Must Die Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
If We Must Die Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts
The speaker addresses a group of oppressed people a group that the speaker identifies with and seems to be part of. The poem argues that violent, even suicidal, acts of resistance are the only viable option for this oppressed group—the only way they can reclaim their dignity and freedom. The people
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  • The speaker addresses a group of oppressed people
  • a group that the speaker identifies with and seems to be part of.
  • The poem argues that violent, even suicidal, acts of resistance are the only viable option for this oppressed group—the only way they can reclaim their dignity and freedom.
  • The people that the speaker of "If We Must Die" addresses are oppressed, so much so that they are in danger of losing not only their lives but also their humanity.
  • These metaphors indicate that the group of people the poem addresses is a minority community threatened by violence from a larger and more powerful group.

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