Amends Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Amends Poem Summary and Analysis | LitCharts
The dynamic imagery of “white star[s]” of moonlight exploding on tree bark conveys a kind of life and energy within nature, The anaphora of “as it” also conveys the ongoing, uninterrupted journey of the moonlight. The poem’s title establishes one of its main themes. To make amends means to repair so
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  • The dynamic imagery of “white star[s]” of moonlight exploding on tree bark conveys a kind of life and energy within nature,
  • The anaphora of “as it” also conveys the ongoing, uninterrupted journey of the moonlight.
  • The poem’s title establishes one of its main themes. To make amends means to repair some harm or damage that has been done. The word “amends” also implies a kind of restoration after a rift. The title, then, suggests that the poem will be about some kind of rift—in this case the rift between the natural world and industrial society—and how it is or...

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