Wide Sargasso Sea Part 1 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Wide Sargasso Sea Part 1 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Antoinette laments the loss of her father, of regular visitors, of feeling safe in her home, as all things that now belong to the past. Emancipation Act, Antoinette addresses the reader as if we are insiders who would understand these distinctions naturally. This mode of address is a central feature
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  • Antoinette laments the loss of her father, of regular visitors, of feeling safe in her home, as all things that now belong to the past.
  • Emancipation Act,
  • Antoinette addresses the reader as if we are insiders who would understand these distinctions naturally. This mode of address is a central feature of her narration, and it means that many key truths are implied rather than stated directly.
  • troubled understanding of freedom
  • The parallel superstitions of the white and black populations regarding Mr. Luttrell’s abandoned estate indicate the close, if fraught, relationship between these two cultural groups.

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