Corruption, Power, and Theft Theme in Trash | LitCharts thumbnail
Corruption, Power, and Theft Theme in Trash | LitCharts
In contrast, Mulligan believes the true theft is committed by society’s corrupt elite, which he exemplifies through vice-president Zapanta’s actions. Senator Zapanta steals millions of dollars of personal wealth by siphoning off government funds intended for the poor through bogus business deals, fo
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  • In contrast, Mulligan believes the true theft is committed by society’s corrupt elite, which he exemplifies through vice-president Zapanta’s actions. Senator Zapanta steals millions of dollars of personal wealth by siphoning off government funds intended for the poor through bogus business deals, forcing the city’s poor to live amid rotting waste i...
  • Senator Zapanta’s attempts to protect his stolen wealth also result in the deaths of several characters, which demonstrates how government corruption has a direct effect on society’s most vulnerable populations—particularly those who speak out against an authority figure’s wrongdoings. Mulligan shows how people who attempt to bring corrupt politici...

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