Family, Friendship, and Love Theme in Tomorrow, When the War Began | LitCharts thumbnail
Family, Friendship, and Love Theme in Tomorrow, When the War Began | LitCharts
motivating force, Family and friendship are motivating factors for all of the characters in Tomorrow, When the War Began. they are devastated to find their families have been taken captive during some type of invasion. Ellie and her friends must know if their families are safe, and they are willing
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  • motivating force,
  • Family and friendship are motivating factors for all of the characters in Tomorrow, When the War Began.
  • they are devastated to find their families have been taken captive during some type of invasion. Ellie and her friends must know if their families are safe, and they are willing to do anything in order to find them.
  • they become more dependent on each other and their friendships.
  • romantic relationships blossom between the friends as well and new-found love is realized

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