The Trial Chapter 3 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Trial Chapter 3 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Josef has submitted now to the power of the court. He lets it dominate his Sunday morning even when it does not demand his time. This illustrates the way in which the judiciary’s hold over Josef is legitimized and strengthened mostly through his own voluntary behavior. Her husband tolerates the adva
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  • Josef has submitted now to the power of the court. He lets it dominate his Sunday morning even when it does not demand his time.
  • This illustrates the way in which the judiciary’s hold over Josef is legitimized and strengthened mostly through his own voluntary behavior.
  • Her husband tolerates the advances, because the student will one day wield power.
  • osef certainly treats it that way by initially dismissing the washerwoman’s ability to help.
  • The usher confesses that his superiors constantly abuse his wife, and that their authority is the only thing that stops him from fighting back. The usher indulges in a violent fantasy of harming the student, and suggests that Josef carry out the deed

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