Heroism and Masculinity Theme in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | LitCharts thumbnail
Heroism and Masculinity Theme in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | LitCharts
he falls into fantasies that cast him in heroic and traditionally masculine roles: a naval commander, an expert pistol shot, a daring surgeon, a fighter pilot In real life, however, he shrinks from conflict and feels ridiculed He is admired for macho qualities easily able to dominate the all-male so
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  • he falls into fantasies that cast him in heroic and traditionally masculine roles: a naval commander, an expert pistol shot, a daring surgeon, a fighter pilot
  • In real life, however, he shrinks from conflict and feels ridiculed
  • He is admired for macho qualities
  • easily able to dominate the all-male social groups where his imagination makes him a leader
  • his sense of not being manly enough


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