Gloves, Overshoes, Sling, and Handkerchief Symbol in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | LitCharts thumbnail
Gloves, Overshoes, Sling, and Handkerchief Symbol in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | LitCharts
shielding Mitty from expectations he can’t meet. These covering garments symbolize the fearful, shame-based self-concealment that characterizes Walter Mitty’s everyday life. I don’t need overshoes” Does it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking to protect
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  • shielding Mitty from expectations he can’t meet.
  • These covering garments symbolize the fearful, shame-based self-concealment that characterizes Walter Mitty’s everyday life.
  • I don’t need overshoes”
  • Does it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking
  • to protect

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