Pride Theme in The Old Man and the Sea | LitCharts thumbnail
Pride Theme in The Old Man and the Sea | LitCharts
Pride is often depicted as negative attribute that causes people to reach for too much and, as a result, suffer a terrible fall. Santiago's pride is of a particular, limited sort. Pride never pushes him to try to be more than he is. For instance, when Manolin tells him, "The best fisherman is you,"
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  • Pride is often depicted as negative attribute that causes people to reach for too much and, as a result, suffer a terrible fall.
  • Santiago's pride is of a particular, limited sort. Pride never pushes him to try to be more than he is.
  • For instance, when Manolin tells him, "The best fisherman is you," early in the story, Santiago humbly disagrees.
  • Rather, Santiago takes pride in being exactly what he is, a man and a fisherman, and his struggle can be seen as an effort to be the best man and fisherman that he can be.
  • Santiago achieves the crucial balance between pride and humility

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