The Marrow Thieves The Potential of Change Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Marrow Thieves The Potential of Change Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Miig inspects the "toy," which is a broken plastic lunchbox with a superhero on it. Inside is a piece of bread that isn't moldy. Miig says it could belong to the men that Wab saw, and he sends Chi-Boy out to patrol and asks Tree and Zheegwon to set more alarm wires. Frenchie climbs a tree, hoping th
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  • Miig inspects the "toy," which is a broken plastic lunchbox with a superhero on it. Inside is a piece of bread that isn't moldy. Miig says it could belong to the men that Wab saw, and he sends Chi-Boy out to patrol and asks Tree and Zheegwon to set more alarm wires. Frenchie climbs a tree, hoping that the lunchbox belonged to friendly people.
  • For people on the run, like Miig's family, it's unthinkable to leave valuable food behind. This suggests either that Recruiters were involved in the lunchbox being left, or it's a trap of some sort.
  • Wab confirms that these are the men she saw a few weeks ago, and Tree suggests that they're "townies." Zheegwon's face goes pale, and Tree puts his cap on Zheegwon's head to make him feel better. RiRi suggests that they're "dumb kids" who are doing silly things because they don't have adults to guide them
  • Frenchie's unwillingness to think ill of the men shows how desperate he is for more of a connection with people like him who might be able to add to his understanding of the culture, his history, and what's going on in the world.

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