The Marrow Thieves Story: Part 2 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Marrow Thieves Story: Part 2 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
He says that the earth broke: the north melted, sea levels rose, and there was a flurry of tornados, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Pipelines broke and poisoned forests and lakes. People got sicker, stopped dreaming, and started to kill themselves and others. Many refused to work. Governments, churches,
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  • He says that the earth broke: the north melted, sea levels rose, and there was a flurry of tornados, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Pipelines broke and poisoned forests and lakes.
  • People got sicker, stopped dreaming, and started to kill themselves and others. Many refused to work. Governments, churches, and scientists started to look for a cure to restore dreaming.
  • When the Indigenous people refused to let others into their ceremonies, the white people started to look for ways to take the ability to dream and co-op the ceremonies.
  • The Indigenous people still had each other, so they weren't worried until the church and the scientists came up with the solution to the dreamlessness.
  • They started pulling people out of prisons, and rumors spread that they'd come up with a way to pull dreams out of Indigenous bones.

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