The Marrow Thieves On the Road Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Marrow Thieves On the Road Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Frenchie thinks that they're without their roots and their reason to make the world better. . Frenchie feels as though he's now getting to make decisions with Miig and Chi-Boy. He's so worried about the possible consequences of heading south that he can barely sleep. When they get close to Espanola,
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  • Frenchie thinks that they're without their roots and their reason to make the world better.
  • . Frenchie feels as though he's now getting to make decisions with Miig and Chi-Boy. He's so worried about the possible consequences of heading south that he can barely sleep. When they get close to Espanola, Miig calls Frenchie to look at some cuts in a tree. He says they're syllabics, the written language. Miig can't read it. Frenchie touches it ...
  • Frenchie's assessment of what they've lost in losing Minerva and RiRi shows that he now understands the importance of being a part of a family and a community that includes people of all ages, as they all have a unique role to play in keeping the culture alive.
  • Rose breaks through the trees and emits a small scream. Frenchie joins her, afraid, but she points to the small stream with fish in it. Frenchie falls to his knees, feeling like everything is too heavy, and laughs until he cries. Rose steps forward and lets Frenchie pull her into his lap.
  • Finding this stream with fish shows Frenchie that a future is possible. That he feels this way because of something he found in the natural world shows again that the future of these Indigenous people is intrinsically tied to the land and whether or not they'll be able to work with it and heal it going forward. This intimate moment shows that Frenc...

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