The Marrow Thieves Magic Words Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Marrow Thieves Magic Words Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
They are a representative of the future, as if they can survive, they're the ones who will carry the culture forward and make it so it doesn't die. Rose's grasp of the accent and the inflection of Indigenous Elders makes it clear that one can still be undeniably Indigenous, even in an English-speaki
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  • They are a representative of the future, as if they can survive, they're the ones who will carry the culture forward and make it so it doesn't die. Rose's grasp of the accent and the inflection of Indigenous Elders makes it clear that one can still be undeniably Indigenous, even in an English-speaking context.
  • One warm night, Rose moodily declares that they should go after the government themselves. Miig assures the group that they've survived persecution before and will survive it again and asks them to trust that someone is working for him. Rose mutters that if nobody else comes up with a plan, she will.
  • Frenchie joins Chi-Boy and Slopper in a joyful song, but Miig is unusually quiet. Frenchie joins him and asks what's going on, and Miig says that the birds seem too quiet.
  • This suggests that Frenchie doesn't yet understand just how important it is for him and for his family to protect Minerva and her wealth of cultural and language knowledge.
  • Frenchie, this shows that he doesn't yet have a full grasp of the necessity of living in a family that's composed of people of all ages.

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