The Marrow Thieves Back into the Woods Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Marrow Thieves Back into the Woods Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
The fact that Frenchie can accept that there's beauty in the way his world is shows that there's some hope for the natural world in his future. Frenchie's bad dreams make it clear that having dreams can be a burden, and not just because everybody wants to kill him—they're a burden because they influ
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  • The fact that Frenchie can accept that there's beauty in the way his world is shows that there's some hope for the natural world in his future.
  • Frenchie's bad dreams make it clear that having dreams can be a burden, and not just because everybody wants to kill him—they're a burden because they influence Frenchie's unconscious imagination in sometimes-unpleasant ways.
  • Frenchie can see a smoke plume. Trees shake around the plume and then fall. He can hear a rumble and sees a yellow flash.
  • After a moment, Miig says that Recruiters interrupted Minerva feeding her baby grandson, raped her, and took the baby. He says that Wab was alone for two years before she joined the group, and she followed them for six weeks before revealing herself
  • Miig says that RiRi and Slopper had a parent each when they arrived, but their parents ended up in the schools.

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