The Idiot Part Three, Chapter Nine Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Idiot Part Three, Chapter Nine Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Epanchin is in a state of shock She begs him to allow Ippolit to stay, and Myshkin agree He praises Ippolit’s “confession,” and says that he can’t stand it that people believe that Ippolit left the cap off the gun on purpose. his sympathy for Ippolit lies in his own kind, compassionate nature, which
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  • Epanchin is in a state of shock
  • She begs him to allow Ippolit to stay, and Myshkin agree
  • He praises Ippolit’s “confession,” and says that he can’t stand it that people believe that Ippolit left the cap off the gun on purpose.
  • his sympathy for Ippolit lies in his own kind, compassionate nature, which is highly reminiscent of Myshkin.
  • He says that 400 roubles went missing from his wallet yesterday.

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