The Idiot Part Four, Chapter Two Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Idiot Part Four, Chapter Two Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Ivolgin hasn’t drunk any alcohol in three days e has bought a bottle of vodka for his father and begs Nina to let him drink i Ippolit’s bad behavior is explained by the fact that he is still young and immature, , Ganya’s decision to scream in order to stop the fight between his father and Ippolit re
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  • Ivolgin hasn’t drunk any alcohol in three days
  • e has bought a bottle of vodka for his father and begs Nina to let him drink i
  • Ippolit’s bad behavior is explained by the fact that he is still young and immature,
  • , Ganya’s decision to scream in order to stop the fight between his father and Ippolit recalls the desperate act of an infant who has no other way of asserting themselves.
  • characters in the novel often experience sudden flashes of guilty, particularly when they are interacting with Ippolit or Myshkin and remember their respective illnesses.

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