The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
The Great Gatsby Chapter 8 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
rejects Nick's advice to forget Daisy and leave Long Island. He remembers how taken he was by her wealth, her enormous house, and even by the fact that other men had loved her. To be with her he let her believe he was of the same class as her Then he left for World War I. Daisy waited for a while an
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  • rejects Nick's advice to forget Daisy and leave Long Island.
  • He remembers how taken he was by her wealth, her enormous house, and even by the fact that other men had loved her.
  • To be with her he let her believe he was of the same class as her
  • Then he left for World War I. Daisy waited for a while and then drifted away from him and into marriage with Tom Buchanan.
  • He was in love with the idea of Daisy: Daisy's love gave Gatsby an identity as a young man, and made his manufactured "new money" identity legitimate. To preserve that identity, he had to have her

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