Freedom and Emptiness Theme in The Awakening | LitCharts thumbnail
Freedom and Emptiness Theme in The Awakening | LitCharts
Freedom, for Edna, is release from the binding rules and stereotypes of convention, which the narrator compares to an ill-fitting garment. Freedom, for her, is also disengagement from obligation of any kind, including obligations to her husband and children. This desire for radical freedom is what i
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  • Freedom, for Edna, is release from the binding rules and stereotypes of convention, which the narrator compares to an ill-fitting garment. Freedom, for her, is also disengagement from obligation of any kind, including obligations to her husband and children. This desire for radical freedom is what is behind her obsession with the sea, a place of co...
  • Life itself, with its peculiar and humiliating processes, comes to seem like an obligation when she watches her friend give birth.
  • In this way, desire for negative freedom becomes a desire for emptiness, for nothingness

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