Convention and Individuality Theme in The Awakening | LitCharts thumbnail
Convention and Individuality Theme in The Awakening | LitCharts
From an early age, she learns to separate her murky, curious, disobedient inner life from the anonymous outer life—a quality other people perceive as reserve. But sometime during her marriage the inner life goes dark under the weight of convention, and Edna enters a sort of long sleep. Soon, she lea
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  • From an early age, she learns to separate her murky, curious, disobedient inner life from the anonymous outer life—a quality other people perceive as reserve. But sometime during her marriage the inner life goes dark under the weight of convention, and Edna enters a sort of long sleep.
  • Soon, she learns to ignore convention and to behave according to her idiosyncratic beliefs and impulses.
  • though individuality and inwardness must struggle against convention, one cannot live by inwardness alone.

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