The Tao Analysis in The Abolition of Man | LitCharts thumbnail
The Tao Analysis in The Abolition of Man | LitCharts
In The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis adopts the Chinese philosophical term Tao to encompass what he considers to be the broadly accepted, traditional moralities of both Eastern and Western cultures—including Platonic, Hindu, Taoist, Christian, and others. He argues that this Tao, or Way, is the basi
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  • In The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis adopts the Chinese philosophical term Tao to encompass what he considers to be the broadly accepted, traditional moralities of both Eastern and Western cultures—including Platonic, Hindu, Taoist, Christian, and others. He argues that this Tao, or Way, is the basis for all objective principles and therefore of hu...

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