Sweat Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Sweat Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
This scene introduces Delia as a hard worker. Sykes’ cruelty to Delia sets the tone for their relationship throughout the story, showing Sykes to be abusive and sadistic. The specific trick he plays on her, using his whip to mimic a snake, sets up snakes as threats and associates both the snake and
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  • This scene introduces Delia as a hard worker. Sykes’ cruelty to Delia sets the tone for their relationship throughout the story, showing Sykes to be abusive and sadistic. The specific trick he plays on her, using his whip to mimic a snake, sets up snakes as threats and associates both the snake and Sykes’ abuse with the Christian concept of sin.
  • Delia’s thoughts in this moment elaborate her Christian belief that Sykes will eventually be punished for his sins. This belief brings her comfort and the ability to emotionally withdraw from the relationship, thus protecting herself from the emotional harm of further disappointment.
  • They comment on Delia’s hard work and condemn Sykes for his abuse and infidelity. They think that Delia has to work so much because Sykes does not fulfill his responsibility to support her.
  • Although these men live in the same poor black town as Delia, not everyone here has to work quite so hard. Sykes has made her life exceptionally difficult.

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