The Nuclear Family Theme in Six Characters in Search of an Author | LitCharts thumbnail
The Nuclear Family Theme in Six Characters in Search of an Author | LitCharts
In a sense, they do succeed: of the Mother’s three illegitimate children, two die tragically and one flees the stage, leaving the original nuclear family (Mother, Father, Son) together onstage. In short, while the Characters believe they can resolve their conflicts and create a happy nuclear family,
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  • In a sense, they do succeed: of the Mother’s three illegitimate children, two die tragically and one flees the stage, leaving the original nuclear family (Mother, Father, Son) together onstage. In short, while the Characters believe they can resolve their conflicts and create a happy nuclear family, it turns out that the very attempt to preserve th...
  • Pirandello challenges the assumption that establishing a family is the key to success and happiness, instead suggesting that differences of personality—and the very pursuit of a perfect family—can tragically undermine the stability that a family is supposed to provide.
  • echoes his own real-life family tragedy,
  • second family with the Clerk.
  • nd then the Son’s disdain for the others

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