Fate, Chance, and Free Will Theme in No Country for Old Men | LitCharts thumbnail
Fate, Chance, and Free Will Theme in No Country for Old Men | LitCharts
Moss continues to exert free will in hopes that he can overcome fate, but ultimately fails in the end. Carson Wells believes he can overcome Chigurh, refusing to admit his choice to pursue Chigurh will lead to his death. In the end, he attempts to reason with Chigurh, indicating his struggle to acce
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Moss, Carson Wells, Bell, and Carla Jean all struggle with fate, chance, and free will in No Country for Old Men. Moss attempts to use free will to overcome fate, but fails. Carson refuses to accept his fate and attempts to reason with Chigurh. Bell and Carla Jean accept their fates in different ways. Chigurh, who preaches fate, is not immune to the randomness of chance and ends up in a car accident. This serves as a reminder that nobody is above the randomness of chance and nobody escapes their fate.

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  • Moss continues to exert free will in hopes that he can overcome fate, but ultimately fails in the end. Carson Wells believes he can overcome Chigurh, refusing to admit his choice to pursue Chigurh will lead to his death. In the end, he attempts to reason with Chigurh, indicating his struggle to accept his fate. Both Bell and Carla Jean seem to acce...



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