Mr. Pip Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Mr. Pip Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
guessing that Grace was mentally unstable or that Mr. Watts “was doing penance for an old crime.” Matilda notes that “the sight represented a bit of uncertainty in [their] lives, which in every other way knew only sameness.” Pop Eye was the only white person on the island and that the children liked
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  • guessing that Grace was mentally unstable or that Mr. Watts “was doing penance for an old crime.” Matilda notes that “the sight represented a bit of uncertainty in [their] lives, which in every other way knew only sameness.”
  • Pop Eye was the only white person on the island and that the children liked to call him by his nickname in addition to his actual name, Mr. Watts, since nobody else had such a white-sounding name.
  • Mr. Watts used to wear a white linen suit and a red clown’s nose.
  • he would tow Grace in a small trolley behind him.
  • Mr. Watts and Grace lived without children in the old minister’s house, which had been engulfed by grass after the minister died. Because of this, the only time the village saw Mr. and Mrs. Watts was when they walked through town with the trolley, the parasol, and the clown’s nose.

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