Moneyball by Michael Lewis Plot Summary | LitCharts thumbnail
Moneyball by Michael Lewis Plot Summary | LitCharts
In the 1980s, there was a tremendously talented high school baseball player named Billy Beane. Talent scouts from professional baseball teams would come to watch Billy’s high school games and they told him that soon he’d be a world-class player. When Billy graduated, he was offered a contract with t
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  • In the 1980s, there was a tremendously talented high school baseball player named Billy Beane. Talent scouts from professional baseball teams would come to watch Billy’s high school games and they told him that soon he’d be a world-class player. When Billy graduated, he was offered a contract with the Mets; after some uncertainty, he signed. But a...
  • Around the same time that Billy was playing for the Mets, the baseball world was going through a series of changes. Baseball teams were becoming highly profitable, so that certain successful teams, such as the New York Yankees, had so much money that they could draft the most expensive and, often, the most talented players. At the same time, the 19...

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