Suffering and Anger vs. Complacency Theme in Look Back in Anger | LitCharts thumbnail
Suffering and Anger vs. Complacency Theme in Look Back in Anger | LitCharts
Suffering and anger are highly associated with lower class-ness in the play He suggests that her complacency makes her less human, less connected to life than he is. He sees this suffering and anger as an important part of his identity. Alison finally experiences the suffering that Jimmy thinks she
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  • Suffering and anger are highly associated with lower class-ness in the play
  • He suggests that her complacency makes her less human, less connected to life than he is.
  • He sees this suffering and anger as an important part of his identity.
  • Alison finally experiences the suffering that Jimmy thinks she has been lacking: she loses their child to a miscarriage. This, she believes, forces her to experience the fire of emotion that Jimmy had always wished she had
  • But the play leaves us unsure whether their suffering will actually lead to any redemptive knowledge.

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