Class and Education Theme in Look Back in Anger | LitCharts thumbnail
Class and Education Theme in Look Back in Anger | LitCharts
Jimmy Porter comes from a working class background, but has been highly educated. He went to a university And though Jimmy went to a university, he is still stuck running a sweet stall. He has in some ways left his background behind, but he also doesn’t feel fully comfortable and hasn’t been accepte
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  • Jimmy Porter comes from a working class background, but has been highly educated. He went to a university
  • And though Jimmy went to a university, he is still stuck running a sweet stall. He has in some ways left his background behind, but he also doesn’t feel fully comfortable and hasn’t been accepted into the upper classes. He uses big words and reads the newspaper, but he sometimes has to look those words up in a dictionary, and he says that the Sunda...
  • Class and Education Theme Analysis

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