Like Water for Chocolate Chapter 10: October – “Cream Fritters” Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Like Water for Chocolate Chapter 10: October – “Cream Fritters” Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
moral relativism By saying that she knows “who she is,” however, Tita experiences a critical moment of self-realization. To know herself is to recognize her agency and personhood apart from Mama Elena. When Tita stops believing Mama Elena, she escapes the mental grasp that Mama Elena left on her, an
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  • moral relativism
  • By saying that she knows “who she is,” however, Tita experiences a critical moment of self-realization. To know herself is to recognize her agency and personhood apart from Mama Elena. When Tita stops believing Mama Elena, she escapes the mental grasp that Mama Elena left on her, and the pregnancy disappears. Fire, a symbol of love and passion, bac...

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