Half of a Yellow Sun Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Half of a Yellow Sun Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Olanna and Odenigbo’s happy romance has now been corrupted by the violent political situation. Odenigbo gives a speech and waves the Biafran flag, which is red, black, and green, with half of a yellow sun in the center. Odenigbo declares that Biafra will “lead Black Africa,” and everyone cheers. Ola
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  • Olanna and Odenigbo’s happy romance has now been corrupted by the violent political situation.
  • Odenigbo gives a speech and waves the Biafran flag, which is red, black, and green, with half of a yellow sun in the center. Odenigbo declares that Biafra will “lead Black Africa,” and everyone cheers. Olanna is happy that the same joy is running through everyone’s veins, making them all feel invincible.

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