Half of a Yellow Sun Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts thumbnail
Half of a Yellow Sun Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts
Adichie shows the horror of the personal betrayals that took place in these massacres with Abdulmalik, who had been friends with Mbaezi and Ifeka. The last time Olanna saw Abdulmalik he had invited her to his house for dinner, but now he would probably kill her on sight. The conflict between Igbo an
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  • Adichie shows the horror of the personal betrayals that took place in these massacres with Abdulmalik, who had been friends with Mbaezi and Ifeka. The last time Olanna saw Abdulmalik he had invited her to his house for dinner, but now he would probably kill her on sight. The conflict between Igbo and Hausa is partly a religious one, but Adichie als...

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